I am proud to be presenting new work in the RSA New Contemporaries, amongst a select group of young artists. It is a valuable exhibition offered on the back of my degree show and my work has come together alongside many other opportunities in the last 9 months.
This new work is the start of a really exiting development, working with new themes and advancing processes continuing an investigation into our immersion in technology. I have had a lot of help and fantastic support in preparing for this, so send huge thanks to Generator Projects, Dundee University VRC centrespace, The DCA team (Ewan ,Graham and Clive), REWIND (Steve), Edinburgh sculpture workshop, super craftsman Eric Schumacher, all the NEoN Digital Arts festival team, Jenna Vanderende, Lewis Fieldhouse, wonderful guidance from Professors Nick Wade and Ashley woodward, Inspiration from Frederic Edwin Church and a few much appreciated favours from the new colleagues at the Modern and vital support from many other friends and family.
I’ve recently moved to Glasgow and undertaken a great opportunity as an Intern at a great gallery. Its been a fantastic insight and a wonderful welcome to Glasgow, though I am more eager than ever to continue developing new work. This exhibition runs from the 15th Feb through to March 12th.
Please let me know if you can make it, there are so many other fantastic artists exhibiting brilliant work, I would really love to hear what you think.dan@danshay.co.uk -email link
– More fantastic documentation from StudioRoRo to come soon –